"So one last touch and then you'll go
And we'll pretend that it meant something so much more
But it was vile, and it was cheap
And you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me" -Death Cab for Cutie
So, earlier today, my wonderful mother dangled her car keys in front of me and said,"You know, if you had your license, youd be driving."
Way to make me feel bad, mommy =P She's got a cruel sense of humor sometimes.
John, Jims, Nina and I have been spending so much time together, its hilarious. Blood really is thicker than water. Nina, my cousin, jokes as well as any of us three siblings, and she can follow our inane conversations and even add to the chaos. I love. My family rocks.
Desperate Housewives is funnier than I expected.
My hair feels so much healthier now that Ive given it a break from flat ironing. But dont get too relaxed, hair, Im attacking you again with the straightening very soon, mwahahahha.
Ahh, Ive gained so much weight, its not even funny. Three guesses on who will be eating less come uni time?
I watched Fantastic Four again. Johnny Storm, be still my heart..
My thoughts on the latest Harry Potter book are jumbled. But main points include: Harry is not so ANGSTY, Ron is ruder and cruder than ever, Hermione is more in character now, I loved the "no, I wouldnt" reply from Ron to Hermione, Ginny is all wth for me? She's suddenly INFLATED with a PERSONALITY,Blaise is a hot black boy, Tobias is Snape's fathers name (Animorphs linkage, people!), Nevilles sweet as always, Luna breaks my heart "they thought youd have cooler friends than us" & "i loved the DA. It was almost likei had friends". ship wars suck, the romance read like old fanfiction and the fanfiction writers actually wrote them better, filler filler filler, the revelations were beautiful, the horcruxes are the o_0, I stand in the belief that Snape Is Good, and I have much support on that but Im too lazy to type that up, and I *love* that Draco Malfoy has moved on from 2D snivelling character to a Misguided Good Bad Boy. Ah, the fangirl in me just squeed. But having him cry to Moaning Myrtle was strange. o_0 The Death was..ah, where were Mad Eye and Charlie? Fleurs last scene regarding Bill was mroe romantic to me than the hormonal snogging, Mr and Mrs Weasleys passwords were SO funny, Kreacher/Dobby scenes were GOLD and Im writing so much, Im such a dork.
Thats all jumbled.
I really hate saying goodbyes. I really really do.
Back to uni so soon. *sniffs*
Why am I so sucky when it comes to coupledom?
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