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Location: Kazakhstan

I never seem to run out of things to say.

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Izzah more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


and my interests include
cheesecake / life and love / sate/ baileys/ seafood/ pralines/ sheesha/ rollercoasters/ joyriding/ learn to sleep more/ writing/ vodka on the rocks/ menthol puffs/ mixing spices / manila / brunei / miri/ kk / good coffee / "i love you's" / moments / words / rainy days / airports / sunsets / spontaneity / beautiful shoes / food in all its forms / my baby brother / eyeliner / books / sweet SMS's / sucker for anything acoustic / laughter

Things To Do Before I Turn 22
Get that overdue drivers license

Visit a new country


Learn to cook

Live and love

Beautiful People
My Loved Ones

and you said...



  • I think that my ability to get PERFECT in Soul Cal...
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  • We don't see things how they are, we see things ho...
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  • and if you find a love like mine/ just now and the...
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  • “I’m gonna base this moment on who I’m stuck in a ...
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  • Excerpt off a usually mean guy friend convo, tryin...
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  • I've learned that just because someone doesn't lov...
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  • Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for there...
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  • It's Christmas Eve day, both an eve and a day. A C...
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  • Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy ...
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    While everything around me is ever changing, ever dying, there is underlying that change a living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves and recreates....For I can see in the midst of death, life persists, in the midst of untruth, truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists ~Mohandas K. Gandhi Site Fights Spirit Counter

    twenty. loud. addicted to certain fandoms. reads fanfiction. likes to twist the written word. can talk about anything under the sun (and thats the problem). This blog is a compilation of my thoughts and my you know it wont be very interesting. ;)

    Wednesday, July 27, 2005

    When will women not be compelled
    to view their bodies as science projects,
    gardens to be weeded,
    dogs to be trained?
    When will a woman cease
    to be made of pain?

    -Marge Piercy

    Hey world, what up?

    And that, my friends, is my gangsta attempt of the day. How so very lame.

    Im back at university and its a whole new playing field. I love living away from my parents sometimes, just to escape the mind numbing problems and pressure and responsibilities and obligations, but at the same time, theres added pressure on me here to succeed and do well. And play nice.

    Play nice. So I didnt slap this girl the other day when she..ah, never mind.

    Im in the process of highlighting my hair red. We shall see how that turns out, pics will be posted if they turn out purty and if youre all lucky.

    I need to get out of the hostels. Im feeling an urge to move off campus, but the urge is pulling me towards the village. *sighs* We'll see.

    On that note, the Shoot To Kill policy London is adopting is atrocious and horrible.

    And I miss my mommy and daddy. And yeah, maybe my brothers too. And AA. And..and heck, I miss the entire family.

    I still suck at this coupledom thing. But Im trying.

    And that, world, is whats up. For now.

    Friday, July 22, 2005

    "So one last touch and then you'll go
    And we'll pretend that it meant something so much more
    But it was vile, and it was cheap
    And you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me" -Death Cab for Cutie

    So, earlier today, my wonderful mother dangled her car keys in front of me and said,"You know, if you had your license, youd be driving."

    Way to make me feel bad, mommy =P She's got a cruel sense of humor sometimes.

    John, Jims, Nina and I have been spending so much time together, its hilarious. Blood really is thicker than water. Nina, my cousin, jokes as well as any of us three siblings, and she can follow our inane conversations and even add to the chaos. I love. My family rocks.

    Desperate Housewives is funnier than I expected.

    My hair feels so much healthier now that Ive given it a break from flat ironing. But dont get too relaxed, hair, Im attacking you again with the straightening very soon, mwahahahha.

    Ahh, Ive gained so much weight, its not even funny. Three guesses on who will be eating less come uni time?

    I watched Fantastic Four again. Johnny Storm, be still my heart..

    My thoughts on the latest Harry Potter book are jumbled. But main points include: Harry is not so ANGSTY, Ron is ruder and cruder than ever, Hermione is more in character now, I loved the "no, I wouldnt" reply from Ron to Hermione, Ginny is all wth for me? She's suddenly INFLATED with a PERSONALITY,Blaise is a hot black boy, Tobias is Snape's fathers name (Animorphs linkage, people!), Nevilles sweet as always, Luna breaks my heart "they thought youd have cooler friends than us" & "i loved the DA. It was almost likei had friends". ship wars suck, the romance read like old fanfiction and the fanfiction writers actually wrote them better, filler filler filler, the revelations were beautiful, the horcruxes are the o_0, I stand in the belief that Snape Is Good, and I have much support on that but Im too lazy to type that up, and I *love* that Draco Malfoy has moved on from 2D snivelling character to a Misguided Good Bad Boy. Ah, the fangirl in me just squeed. But having him cry to Moaning Myrtle was strange. o_0 The Death was..ah, where were Mad Eye and Charlie? Fleurs last scene regarding Bill was mroe romantic to me than the hormonal snogging, Mr and Mrs Weasleys passwords were SO funny, Kreacher/Dobby scenes were GOLD and Im writing so much, Im such a dork.

    Thats all jumbled.

    I really hate saying goodbyes. I really really do.

    Back to uni so soon. *sniffs*

    Why am I so sucky when it comes to coupledom?

    Saturday, July 16, 2005

    "The problem is, the other side can do magic too, Prime Minister"- Cornelius Fudge

    *****HP SPOILER FREE****** =)

    So this morning, July 16th, at precisely 7ish am or so, I dont recall, I was woken by a text from dearest Matt =P, simply sharing my enthusiasm regarding the arrival of a Very Special Book. I jumped out of bed. However, due to the time difference, I forgot that even if its only a half hour till Aussie's book stores open, not so over here. So i slept again. *laughs*

    Oh, duh, you guys know which book Im referring to.

    THEN, around 10 am, I waited impatiently for my brother to get ready because I was dying to get my hands on my copy, which I knew lay in Best Eastern. After much yelling on my part, we all trooped to the car and I was dropped off at my fave Brunei Bookstore.

    Pleasantly surprised I was to find the book reduced from 42.95 BND to 36.50 BND. Yay! Money for ice cream.

    And now I have it in my hands,the British Adult edition of Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince and I am going nuts because half of me wants to PLOW into the book while the other half wants to savour it slowly.

    *happy smile*

    Im into the second chapter and all I can say is, so far, JK's done it again.

    Heehee, Im such a dork.

    ETA: I was planning to spend all day reading. However, thats not the case. Im going out to watch Fantastic Four later, I forgot I was gonna go -_- and and and...

    Do you think people will notice if I hold a flashlight to read the book while the movie plays?

    Sunday, July 10, 2005

    The sky is blue and righteous in every direction. The sun is total and burning and just right there in front. We're on top of the clouds, and this is a beautiful day forever. - Chuck Paluhniuk

    You know what? I dont know like 1/4 of my friend list on friendster. o_0

    Ive been in Brunei for over a week. And I think Ive spent most of that time asleep. Hahaha. *grin*

    Ive been taking allergy pills over the course of a week. Because of which, ive been drifting in and out of sleep and its been bleah. Why? Allergy breakout. Dehydration. No idea what I ate. I just broke out in rashes and Im itchy and aahh! Flaking. So not attractive right now. I have no problem with this as I am so happy that the pills Ive been taking have resulted in me getting knocked out -as in dead asleep- for hours. Totally messing with my sleeping schedule and social life but hell, sleeps good for you, they say. Sure, I go out, but Im always begging my friends to take me home after a few hours because IM ITCHY. Gimme my daaamn calamine lotion. *growr*

    *ahem* Better today though! I went all around Bandar with Bianca. It was fun. We did look like tourists with her video cam but what can I say, we're crazy.

    One Tree Hill has unleashed Chad Micheal Murray love in me. *rowr* Saw House of Wax with Emz and Jon the other day and I ALMOST CRIED. It was just gruesome.

    And Swensens has ice cream! Get sticky chewy chocolate. Orgaaaasmic.

    Gretchel is leaving for Perth for sure on Thursday or Friday. I dont wanna see her or say goodbye, I suck like that. But i know I have to. Ah. So are Ilma and Barke. My girls! This sucks. Shwe and I are like holding on to each other and going: WAHISOGLADISTILLHAVEYOU!!!

    Im rusty when it comes to coupledom.

    Completely out of the blue, I love tall guys.

    My results come out on WEDNESDAY.


    Im so freaking out right now.



    On a plus side, I have a yummy slice of cheesecake that my mummy bought for me today. *content*

    And daddy comes home tomorrow.

    Monday, July 04, 2005

    "if you ask me what i came into this world to do, i will tell you: i came to live out loud."

    ~Emile Zola





    Every 3 seconds, a child in Africa dies due to no aid.

    Can you wrap your head around that?

    I think most of us eat more calories in a day than a child in starvation eats in his/her lifetime, which isnt very long to begin with in the first place.

    If Live8 means anything to any of you on my list, please check out The cancellation of Africas debt may just save more lives in one fell swoop than what any of us could achieve in our lifetimes. Its kinda scary knowing that while most of us are wondering about which band/celebrity to idolize today, that there are people dying every 3 seconds due to poverty and no aid. Differentiate LiveAid from Live8. Live8 was maybe a poltical movement, mostly poverty awareness about the concerts, about the celebrities endorsing something other than the latest makeup product and scent. Weird knowing it takes a celebrity to tell us something like this is happening in todays world.

    Live8 happened on July 2, 2005. Its kinda weird knowing that it takes celebrities involvement in this day and age, in our media obsessed generation, to sit up and be aware to the fact that poverty really does still exist. So maybe the people who went (for free, if Im not mistaken, free concerts featuring big big names) for the Live8 concerts (and two more being organized in Edinburgh and Moscow, I think) didnt really go for the poverty awareness factor as for the entertainment factor, but these free concerts, the movement of Bob Geldoff to try and make people aware of the mind boggling poverty still hurting Africa, I think thats a good movement.

    G8 is coming up, and although I cant, for the life of me, tell you what the 8 countries are, I can say that theyre the wealthy countries, the ones that can actually make a difference, and the leaders of these nations probably already know how powerful they are. But the citizens of these nations need to empower themselves too.I just hope they use that power for something good, you know?

    Maybe it doesnt matter to you. But, really, how can we not care? Remember, live8 didnt ask for money. But theyre just asking us to be aware, to acknowledge that extreme poverty still exists. I cant wrap my mind around it,really, but for a second, lets just get out of our coach potato existences and just be aware of the fact that as we speak, children are dying. Nameless faces. They die and no one even knows they existed.

    Maybe we cant give them money. But we can at least acknowledge they existed. You know? Acknowledge that severe extreme poverty was a cause to their death. Not drugs, not alcohol, not cigarettes and not a mental illness. poverty.

    We should acknowledge they lived.

    We can at least give them that.