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Location: Kazakhstan

I never seem to run out of things to say.

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Izzah more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


and my interests include
cheesecake / life and love / sate/ baileys/ seafood/ pralines/ sheesha/ rollercoasters/ joyriding/ learn to sleep more/ writing/ vodka on the rocks/ menthol puffs/ mixing spices / manila / brunei / miri/ kk / good coffee / "i love you's" / moments / words / rainy days / airports / sunsets / spontaneity / beautiful shoes / food in all its forms / my baby brother / eyeliner / books / sweet SMS's / sucker for anything acoustic / laughter

Things To Do Before I Turn 22
Get that overdue drivers license

Visit a new country


Learn to cook

Live and love

Beautiful People
My Loved Ones

and you said...



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    While everything around me is ever changing, ever dying, there is underlying that change a living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves and recreates....For I can see in the midst of death, life persists, in the midst of untruth, truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists ~Mohandas K. Gandhi Site Fights Spirit Counter

    twenty. loud. addicted to certain fandoms. reads fanfiction. likes to twist the written word. can talk about anything under the sun (and thats the problem). This blog is a compilation of my thoughts and my you know it wont be very interesting. ;)

    Saturday, July 29, 2006

    "I love to love, my hips dont lie and.."

    Its so cold tonight. My breath turns into steam when I speak.

    I should be sweaty. I just danced my ass off for two full hours. But the cold weather helped and found myself sneaking to the heater and dancing there coyly till my friend said, "Youre cheating and dancing for the heat!!" :D

    I met sooo many people. Head hurts! I swear I wont remember them tomorrow.

    I've just been to the university pub, The Tavern. How odd to have a pub within a university. It was so much fun though. The DJ's are nice and we kept requesting songs over and over.

    By 'we', I meant myself, two germans, one half filipina-half german, two french and girl from Mauritius. Fun mix.

    And the boys here are beautiful. My eyes are tired.

    I dont drink as much here. I think Im still extra cautious about my surroundings and partying way too hard. Way to burn myself out before the sem even begins!

    Tomorrow,Im going on a river cruise! And clubbing! My first time! In Perth! For both things! :D

    I will try and post pictures soon. Andthen Monday comes, and the semester starts and thats when things get serious and you shall see me screaming WHHHHHY? :P


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