"But sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emotions. It's what you say when you spill a cup of coffee or throw a gutterball when you're bowling with the girls in the leage. True sorrow is as rare as true love."
--from Stephen King's Carrie
I have these annoying habits I have to overcome:
1. Condensed LifeSharing Spontaniety- I have this tendency to suddenly vomit words about my life out to complete strangers or even old friends. Its like I want them to know the reasons behind why I am what I am, under the span of ten minutes. I need to realise that not everyone wants to know about my baggage and even if they did, knowing my baggage couldnt possibly have them think of me in a better light if they already had a bad first impression anyway.
2. Popping every possibly joint in my body- Its true, over the years, I've accumulated this need to crack my knuckles (two in each finger and my toes), my back (yes, all the way across my spine. It isnt a pretty sight or sound), my neck and my ankles. Im sure Ill find more joints as time goes on. And dont arthritis me, its been proven theres no connectiong between this and arthritis. I think.
3. Surfing blogs/Friendster/livejournal randomly till the dead of the night - Okay, sometimes, its cool, to stumble upon blogs, whether theyre those of someone you know and you find out some fun information or something of relevance, or of some stranger who writes very entertaining entries. You learn something new, you know? But, Izzah, ah, stop wasting time and do something productive. So I do. I leave comments. Or testimonials. Ahahahaha.
4. Talking to absolutely everyone and anyone - Okay, this habit I cant kick. I love meeting people, everyone always has a story to tell, some information to pass on. I would never have heard about the string ray r.ape (dont ask) or other such things otherwise. If theres a habit I can keep, Im keeping this one. I just have to..know my limit and know when theyre sick of talking to me, thats all. Haha.
5. Picking out strands of hair and checking them for split ends- *sighs* Yes, I know it makes me look like a monkey, but I usually do it when I am a) bored b) sleepy. Its a habit from childhood I need to GETRIDOFF. Wah.
6. Sleeping anywhere, through anything- I dunno if its my one dea ear or because Im just well, weird, but I promise you I can fall asleep anywhere, any position, with music blasting and lights on. You might think this is a good thing, but it is honestly not, because this means when Im sleepy, I can fall asleep in CLASS. AHHH!
7. Checking my phone almost compulsively, even when I know its on silent mode- Heh. Whoops. Its like I fear an important message or call would manage to pass me by.
8. Using humor and loudness as a defense mechanism - Even I cant explain that one. Its like a weird security blanket. I think if I can make you believe Im funny, you'll look over my flaws. This is a flaw in itself.
9. Listening to songs and thinking its all about me- This habit makes me memorise that song and then apply it to everyday life and have me then sing it when I can. Its a feel good habit, but when you sing off key like I do, maybe its a habit I need to change, haha. *considers*
10. Not being punctual- *sighs* I know theres fashionably late, but sometimes I need to like, get a reality check. I always think, theres 5 minutes more, I have time...and then Im late. These are how deadlines just WHOOSH past me. Not good.
Im sure these habits are just the tip of the ice berg, and maybe I shall impress you with my announcements that I have kicked the habits.
The wedding, children, was marvelous. And I shall regale you with stories when I have pictures or I have time, whichever comes first.
The 4th Harry Potter movie comes out very soon. I am excited.
--from Stephen King's Carrie
I have these annoying habits I have to overcome:
1. Condensed LifeSharing Spontaniety- I have this tendency to suddenly vomit words about my life out to complete strangers or even old friends. Its like I want them to know the reasons behind why I am what I am, under the span of ten minutes. I need to realise that not everyone wants to know about my baggage and even if they did, knowing my baggage couldnt possibly have them think of me in a better light if they already had a bad first impression anyway.
2. Popping every possibly joint in my body- Its true, over the years, I've accumulated this need to crack my knuckles (two in each finger and my toes), my back (yes, all the way across my spine. It isnt a pretty sight or sound), my neck and my ankles. Im sure Ill find more joints as time goes on. And dont arthritis me, its been proven theres no connectiong between this and arthritis. I think.
3. Surfing blogs/Friendster/livejournal randomly till the dead of the night - Okay, sometimes, its cool, to stumble upon blogs, whether theyre those of someone you know and you find out some fun information or something of relevance, or of some stranger who writes very entertaining entries. You learn something new, you know? But, Izzah, ah, stop wasting time and do something productive. So I do. I leave comments. Or testimonials. Ahahahaha.
4. Talking to absolutely everyone and anyone - Okay, this habit I cant kick. I love meeting people, everyone always has a story to tell, some information to pass on. I would never have heard about the string ray r.ape (dont ask) or other such things otherwise. If theres a habit I can keep, Im keeping this one. I just have to..know my limit and know when theyre sick of talking to me, thats all. Haha.
5. Picking out strands of hair and checking them for split ends- *sighs* Yes, I know it makes me look like a monkey, but I usually do it when I am a) bored b) sleepy. Its a habit from childhood I need to GETRIDOFF. Wah.
6. Sleeping anywhere, through anything- I dunno if its my one dea ear or because Im just well, weird, but I promise you I can fall asleep anywhere, any position, with music blasting and lights on. You might think this is a good thing, but it is honestly not, because this means when Im sleepy, I can fall asleep in CLASS. AHHH!
7. Checking my phone almost compulsively, even when I know its on silent mode- Heh. Whoops. Its like I fear an important message or call would manage to pass me by.
8. Using humor and loudness as a defense mechanism - Even I cant explain that one. Its like a weird security blanket. I think if I can make you believe Im funny, you'll look over my flaws. This is a flaw in itself.
9. Listening to songs and thinking its all about me- This habit makes me memorise that song and then apply it to everyday life and have me then sing it when I can. Its a feel good habit, but when you sing off key like I do, maybe its a habit I need to change, haha. *considers*
10. Not being punctual- *sighs* I know theres fashionably late, but sometimes I need to like, get a reality check. I always think, theres 5 minutes more, I have time...and then Im late. These are how deadlines just WHOOSH past me. Not good.
Im sure these habits are just the tip of the ice berg, and maybe I shall impress you with my announcements that I have kicked the habits.
The wedding, children, was marvelous. And I shall regale you with stories when I have pictures or I have time, whichever comes first.
The 4th Harry Potter movie comes out very soon. I am excited.
At 12:12 AM,
especially #7 and #10. i know, i just have to keep checking my phone, i cant help it! or maybe i just wish too much that im being paged. hahaha. and on punctuality..well some people had to wait over an hour for me to arrive. that's baaaaaaaad
maybe not #2, i cant seem to pop anything at all.
At 10:21 AM,
At 10:29 AM,
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