The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved...the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.
Jack Kerouac (1922 - 1969), "On the Road"
They said I'd never find someone better than him.
Screw you haters, I have.
They said I'd never have the guts to go paintball.
Screw you haters, I went a month ago and still have the freakin bruises to prove it.
They said Id never get through my accounting degree and scoffed when I told them I was doing accounting as oppose to what they believed I was more suited for, 'something in the media line because you talk so much, Izz.' They said Id probably flunk out of Accounting and switch to something 'easier'.
Screw you haters, I'm in my last week of my hopefully last semester of undergraduate studies.Accounting and Information Systems, baby, and Im *hopefully* graduating on time next february (pray for me? taxation is tough!:)
They said I had no chance of winning a post in Curtin Malaysia's student council last year, coz I was running independently and without a party, I didnt have enough support, I was using ugly pink posters yadayadayada.
Screw you haters, I got in. *thanks voters =)*
They said I would never be able to support myself or find a part time job in Perth that didnt entail waitressing or cashiering.
Screw you haters, I have a wonderful 9 to 5 office job doing accounts and my bosses and colleagues rock. And the only coffee I serve is my own, 2 spoons and 3 sugars.
They said Im too loud. Im too talkative. Im too reckless. Im too fat. Im too short. Im too confident. I dont have enough confidence. I care too much. I care too little. I laugh too loud. I cry too much. Im too sensitive. Im not sensitive enough. Im a prude. Im a tease. Im a nerd. I drink too much. I dance too much. I dont socialise enough.
Im never going to fit your idea of perfection.
Im never going to be what you want me to be.
Im never going to be all YOU aspire me to be.
What I can do, is be all that I can be.
And if that means cutting some people from my life...
If that means taking risks, for once in my life, taking risks...
Then so be it.
I will try and be all I can be. Not what you want me to be.
And dont YOU ever tell me otherwise.
Jack Kerouac (1922 - 1969), "On the Road"
They said I'd never find someone better than him.
Screw you haters, I have.
They said I'd never have the guts to go paintball.
Screw you haters, I went a month ago and still have the freakin bruises to prove it.
They said Id never get through my accounting degree and scoffed when I told them I was doing accounting as oppose to what they believed I was more suited for, 'something in the media line because you talk so much, Izz.' They said Id probably flunk out of Accounting and switch to something 'easier'.
Screw you haters, I'm in my last week of my hopefully last semester of undergraduate studies.Accounting and Information Systems, baby, and Im *hopefully* graduating on time next february (pray for me? taxation is tough!:)
They said I had no chance of winning a post in Curtin Malaysia's student council last year, coz I was running independently and without a party, I didnt have enough support, I was using ugly pink posters yadayadayada.
Screw you haters, I got in. *thanks voters =)*
They said I would never be able to support myself or find a part time job in Perth that didnt entail waitressing or cashiering.
Screw you haters, I have a wonderful 9 to 5 office job doing accounts and my bosses and colleagues rock. And the only coffee I serve is my own, 2 spoons and 3 sugars.
They said Im too loud. Im too talkative. Im too reckless. Im too fat. Im too short. Im too confident. I dont have enough confidence. I care too much. I care too little. I laugh too loud. I cry too much. Im too sensitive. Im not sensitive enough. Im a prude. Im a tease. Im a nerd. I drink too much. I dance too much. I dont socialise enough.
Im never going to fit your idea of perfection.
Im never going to be what you want me to be.
Im never going to be all YOU aspire me to be.
What I can do, is be all that I can be.
And if that means cutting some people from my life...
If that means taking risks, for once in my life, taking risks...
Then so be it.
I will try and be all I can be. Not what you want me to be.
And dont YOU ever tell me otherwise.

At 5:17 PM,
Queen Sana
You are, without a doubt, one of the most inspiring people I know.
Please don't stop.
At 6:44 PM,
;) ure a great person.
At 11:26 PM,
I know I barely know you, BUT I can tell anyways haha..
I just decided to drop by your blog, to learn more aboutcha :P
Its great to know that you're going to be in Perth for a while! Grats on the job!
At 11:40 PM,
You of all people, would know I would rave over this post! Bravo!
p/s: Repetition of words due to caffeine high and not stupidity.
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