Tsunami update: more than 80,000 dead.
"Enjoy the last era you ignorant pride machine. Enjoy the last era you, pathetic propaghanda whore. When will you realize there's nothing left dying for? And Now you've wasted your existance. I hope Im there when theres nothing left to hate."
-ultra pulse
Tomorrow is the last day of the year 2004. And what have we accomplished? It saddens me when I hear my friends talk about their superficial worries and their miniscule problems and dramas which they escalate and are really nothing.
I feel so apathetic. I feel no allegience to my old high school friends and everyones just an acquaintance and going out takes more energy and trouble that I wnat to get into. I miss being ignorant.
Do you know how many people 80,000 is? Do you have any idea about the loss of life that has just occured while you stand there and worry about whether or not you should highlight your hair or break up with your current lust object?
I suck at writing journal entries.
I can never just talk about my day. I always have to turn it into some quasi-philosophical entry. Am I so pretentious? Am I the superficial shallow one? Am I the one trying to show Im deep but Im really not? Could I handle myself in another forthcoming year in university, let alone in a tsunami situation?
Well, going for church tomorrow for new year mass.
Tomorrow is the last year of 2004.
And what have you accomplished?
At 10:26 AM,
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