If the name Christina Audrey Jolly means anything to any of you reading this, please read.
Yanked from Friendster:
Emergency...Help Wanted!!!
Message: Dear all...
I bring everyone sad news for all who know
Christina Jolly. On the 3rd of Feb, early in the
morning (before dawn), her psychotic ex-
boyfren, Yii Soon Hou (a.k.a Ah Hou),
murdered Chris' mother by stabbing her 16
or 17 times. Full details are still unknown.
Frens of the family are still mourning for her,
for she was one of the most wonderful
people i know. But the greatest concern for
us at the moment is Chris herself. Ah Hou
has kidnapped her, and she is still missing.
It was almost 12 hours before her mom's
body was found, so she has been missing
for that long too. He had driven away with her
mom's car, which was found at the Miri bus
The reason for this bulletin is not to spread
gossip, but to generate compassion for this
helpless person. PLEASE! Re-post this
bulletin! Ensure all your frens see this! We're
believing that she's still alive, and hoping
that someone might see her! The pic on my
profile is her.
Pls call 016-8752745 or 016-8555966 if you
see or hear anything. Thank you for your
help, and I'll update any additional info that
can help.
Erin Wong
(Posted: Friday, February 04, 2005 1:04:00
Lets all pray for the safety of our friend, Christina Audrey Jolly :(
If the name Christina Audrey Jolly means anything to any of you reading this, please read.
Yanked from Friendster:
Emergency...Help Wanted!!!
Message: Dear all...
I bring everyone sad news for all who know
Christina Jolly. On the 3rd of Feb, early in the
morning (before dawn), her psychotic ex-
boyfren, Yii Soon Hou (a.k.a Ah Hou),
murdered Chris' mother by stabbing her 16
or 17 times. Full details are still unknown.
Frens of the family are still mourning for her,
for she was one of the most wonderful
people i know. But the greatest concern for
us at the moment is Chris herself. Ah Hou
has kidnapped her, and she is still missing.
It was almost 12 hours before her mom's
body was found, so she has been missing
for that long too. He had driven away with her
mom's car, which was found at the Miri bus
The reason for this bulletin is not to spread
gossip, but to generate compassion for this
helpless person. PLEASE! Re-post this
bulletin! Ensure all your frens see this! We're
believing that she's still alive, and hoping
that someone might see her! The pic on my
profile is her.
Pls call 016-8752745 or 016-8555966 if you
see or hear anything. Thank you for your
help, and I'll update any additional info that
can help.
Erin Wong
(Posted: Friday, February 04, 2005 1:04:00
Lets all pray for the safety of our friend, Christina Audrey Jolly :(
At 10:23 AM,
At 10:23 AM,
At 10:30 AM,
At 8:09 PM,
انجين محمد
الحشرات تزعج الناس حتى وأن كانت حشرات طائرة أم حشرات زاحفة، لذا يجب علينا التخلص من الحشرات نهائياً من المنزل لانها تسبب الكثير من الأمراض خاصة للأطفال، فيوجد أنواع كثيرة من الحشرات من الممكن أن تسكن في المنزل فيوجد حشرة البق تسكن في المفروشات والمراتب والتخلص منها ليس بسهولة، ويوجد نمل وصراصير وهؤلاء الحشرات تسكن المطابخ بكثرة وذلك لكثرة القمامة وعدم التخلص منها بأستمرار، كما يوجد نوعين من الحشرات يوجد حشرات زاحفة مثل الفئران والنمل وبعض أنواع الصراصير ويوجد حشرات طائرة مثل الذباب والبعوض وبعض أخر من الصراصير، فلابد على كل منزل عند رؤية أي نوع من هذه الحشرات فلابد بالاتصال على شركتنا على الفور شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض.
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